CEO Chat
Helen H., CEO of
Hire Standard Staffing
Posted July 2017
We are sitting down with Helen and chatting about the world of staffing agencies this time.
Q: What are the pros and cons of a small vs a large agency?
A: The “large vs. small” debate can be answered by asking the individual how they prefer to shop. Do you like going to a larger store with more merchandise (and maybe lower prices) but the tradeoff is you have very little service? Think of going to Macy’s or WalMart, for instance. Or, do you prefer a smaller, boutique experience where you have access to high-end merchandise with personalized service, and you’ll pay a bit more for the experience? Certain situations call for one type of firm over the other. But, in general, our clients and candidates prefer the personal touch, knowing we make decisions based on their best interests — not ours.
Q: What are some things potential candidates need to keep in mind when registering with a staffing agency?
A: Where to begin on this one! Our business is complex and driven by multiple factors simultaneously, all wrapped into a series of time-bound expectations. I think the biggest misconception held by candidates is that recruiting firms exist “to find the candidate a job”. This was true in the earliest iterations of the staffing business when candidates (job seekers) paid a fee to enlist the help of a recruiter in finding them a job. But this model got turned upside down when client-paid fees became the norm. If you are a job seeker, it’s helpful to remember that the recruiting firm has been engaged by companies (their clients) to identify a targeted mix of skills that will fit the company’s culture. As the candidate, you may see or hear of opportunities and wonder why the recruiter has not contacted you about them. Understanding that there are hundreds of variables the recruiter takes into consideration can prevent you from taking rejection personally.
Q: Thousands of applications are received by recruiting agencies on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. When should candidates expect a call regarding their application or should they expect a call at all?
A: A good strategy for the candidate is to follow up several times with the recruiter or staffing firm after submitting a resume. A friendly email asking if your resume has been received and if there is an appropriate time to talk about opportunities would be a great next step. You may not be the “fit” the recruiter is seeking for a specific position, but your focus and motivation will set you apart from the majority of candidates and may get you noticed. If there is no reply to your email within a week, it would not be bad form to place a phone call to the recruiting firm. Most people email their resume and wait to be contacted…you could get lost in the sea of messages and data we all handle.
Q: What kind of clients should work with a staffing agency? Should some clients work with a smaller one and others with a larger agency?
A: Some hiring companies define success by the numbers: they want dozens (or even hundreds) of resumes to plow through before starting the interview process. For companies where volume is more important than incisive, targeted recruiting of a few individuals — we would recommend they engage a large recruiting firm where requisitions are shared with dozens of recruiters. Those companies will get flooded with resumes and their HR departments can claim victory with the numbers. When saving time and getting quality results are the determining
factors, clients will usually have better results with a smaller staffing firm who can devote the time and focus needed to secure the right talent. Smaller staffing firms are not “resume houses”…we develop a curated group of candidates for specific client requests.
Q: Obviously, staffing agencies cannot make the perfect placement 100% of the time. What happens when a candidate does not do well after a permanent placement? What can you do for the client? The candidate?
A: You mean we are not perfect? That makes us human! Seriously, circumstances can change after a placement is made. Most often, these changes were not predictable during the referral and hiring process. Hire Standard is committed to the best possible outcome for both clients and candidates. In cases where the two must part company, we provide several options for the client; after all, they still have an open position to fill and that is our first priority. Depending on the situation, we may be able to continue working with the candidate. There are so many variables, we do a 360 degree review of each individual situation before deciding.
Q: What are the biggest misconceptions about staffing agencies from the clients and candidate perspectives?
A: Both clients and candidates think we represent them exclusively. I guess we have spoiled them!
Q: You have worked for a while now as a CEO of your own staffing firm. If you could do it again, what would you do differently?
A: This is the “hindsight 20/20” question. I wish I had completed more research on how to predict human behavior. Once the validated research was in, I would have packaged and sold it…imagine the potential! But, really, the infinite possibilities of human behavior are what keeps our work interesting. I think every recruiter, staffing manager, and executive would agree that it’s never boring.